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Inventory restocking

How to restock your inventory and make a purchase of new goods.

  1. Before the purchase

    1. Ensure that the products you are going to order are created in your webshop and that they have been synchronized to Ongoing. This guide explains how you can see if the products and their information have been synchronized: GUIDE.
    2. If you are going to order new products, create the products in your webshop and be sure to add all information about the products (barcode is very important). Log in to Ongoing and ensure that the products have been synced from the webshop (this may take up to 15 minutes). This guide explains how you can see if the products and their information have been synchronized: GUIDE.
    3. Ensure that the physical products have a barcode on them that is unique (the barcode cannot be the same as any other of your products).
  1. Create a purchase order

    1. Create a purchase order according to this guide Skapa en inköpsorder.pdf.
    2. Be sure to specify all items and quantities to be delivered to the warehouse. More information, such as tracking number, number of packages, expected arrival date, etc., is desirable but not a must. The more information, the better.
    3. Ensure that all products sent to us are included in the purchase order.
  1. When purchasing

    1. When you created the purchase order, a "Purchase Order ID" was created. This "Purchase Order ID" must be clearly displayed on each shipment arriving at the warehouse so that it can be easily identified that the specific shipment belongs to the specific purchase order.
  • Example: if you create a purchase order with Purchase Order ID "12345" and send three packages belonging to this purchase order, then "12345" must be written on all three packages.
  1. If there are several different products in the shipment, the products must be separated and can not be mixed. It is okay to have several different products in one box if each product in turn is in its own box within the box.
    1. Separate products based on unique traits (size, color, measurements, etc.). If the products have different barcodes, we count them as different products and they should be separated.
    2. Separate products of the same kind if they have different batch numbers or best-before dates.
  1. After purchase

    1. Should something change, for example, that another product is added or the quantity changes, it is possible to adjust the purchase order before the products arrive at the warehouse. See this guide: GUIDE.
  1. When the products arrive at the warehouse

    1. When the shipment arrives it’s marked as received in the purchase order .
    2. Each product will then be put in stock and matched against the quantity in the purchase order.
    3. When all products in the shipment have been put in stock, an email will be sent with the information that the inbound delivery is complete and with any potential quantity differences.
    4. Should any product be damaged, our support will inform you.
    5. It is always possible to log in to Ongoing and see the status of a purchase order. See this guide: GUIDE.